HeartSave AS

The new fully automatic companion for all emergency situations.

Saves lives. Fully por­ta­ble. Fast. The oc­cur­rence of sud­den car­di­ac ar­rest can­not be preven­ted. But the con­se­quen­ces can! The per­son af­fec­ted has only a few pre­cious mi­nu­tes left for a chan­ce of sur­vi­val. The new tech­no­lo­gy de­ve­l­o­ped by PRI­ME­DIC means that even fewer steps are re­qui­red for first ai­ders: this is be­cau­se the fully au­to­ma­tic HeartS­a­ve AS au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly de­li­vers an electric shock – pre­ce­ded by an au­di­b­le warning – if the de­fi­bril­la­tor de­tects life-threa­ten­ing fi­bril­la­ti­on. The tech­ni­cal ad­van­ce: there’s no need to press the shock but­ton.
In an emer­gen­cy, all first ai­ders need to is to per­form car­dio­pul­mo­na­ry re­susci­ta­ti­on and apply the HeartS­a­ve AS de­vice’s ex­tre­me­ly ea­sy-to-use, pre-plug­ged Sa­ve­Pads (elec­tro­des). Ea­sy-to-un­der­stand voice prompts then guide first aid per­son­nel step-by-step through the res­cue pro­ce­du­re.

Sudden cardiac death – every second counts!

Sud­den car­di­ac ar­rests are cau­sed by life-threa­ten­ing fi­bril­la­ti­on. And it can hap­pen any time and anyw­he­re: at work, at home or out on the play­ing field. In­iti­al care for the pa­ti­ent in­clu­des car­dio­pul­mo­na­ry re­susci­ta­ti­on, but this is not en­ough to stop fi­bril­la­ti­on on its own. The only thing that can stop it is early de­fi­bril­la­ti­on, i.e. tre­at­ment using a con­trol­led im­pul­se that is de­li­ver­ed au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly by the HeartS­a­ve AS as nee­ded, which can en­su­re sur­vi­val.


Product Description

Professional defibrillators for emergency medicine.
Reliable: always, everywhere.

When every mi­nu­te counts, PRI­ME­DIC de­fi­bril­la­tors can help
hearts stop mis­sing ano­ther beat. Ever­yw­he­re.
What mat­ters is that they can be used quick­ly. Every time.


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